Friday, May 24, 2019

Upcoming Events and Reminders

It's a busy time of are some important dates and reminders for you:

Friday, June 7th --Readers Celebration from 2:15-2:45.

Wednesday, June 12th --Village Scoop trip. (no volunteers needed, my treat!)

Thursday (rain date Friday) June 13th --UMS Field Day. Location TBD. I will let you know asap where it is, depending on location (due to parking) parents may be invited.

Please send in a white t-shirt to tie-dye when you can.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Kindergarten Engineers

We are working our way through our new science unit "Materials and Motion" and things are getting fun! Today we began engineering structures that might protect a cup of water from the sun. We will continue to work on these this week! The most impressive thing I observed was the incredible teamwork! Well done room 3 kids!
